Hazrat Muhammad Saw Al-Qadib Sword Topkapi Museum Replica
The Swords of our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)Our Prophet (Salallah Aleyhi and Salam) possessed nine swords in their lifetime. Our Prophet (Sallâllâhu Aleyhi and Salam), who loved naming his belongings, also named them. MESUR, ZULFIKIR, HATF, BETTÂR, KALAÎ, RASÜB, MİHDEM, ADB, KADİB.
The sword named Mathur: It got this name because of the embroidery on its barrel and its brilliance. The first sword inherited to the Prophet from his father, the honorable, id
Sacred Relics (Emanat-i Mubarak) are items that are believed to belong to Muhammad, his friends and some prophets in Islam and are considered sacred in Islam. It was brought to Istanbul after Yavuz Sultan Selim conquered Egypt in 1517, and some of it was collected from Islamic countries.
A Unique Copy of the Sword Exhibited in Topkapi Palace was made.
A special pattern was embroidered with 24 carat gold.
Scabbard was produced using genuine leather.
The carbon steel blade was forged.
Natural Ruby and turquoise stone were used on it.
It was produced by handwork and copper art method during the Ottoman period and patterns were drawn.